Yoga and Meditation with Andrea Cashman

Yoga and Meditation

Andrea Cashman

Movement and breath bring me into my body,
stillness brings me to my soul.

“What you do for yourself- any gesture of kindness, any gesture of gentleness,
any gesture of honesty, will affect how you experience your world.”
– Pema Chodron


Just Stop, take a deep breath in, and even longer breath out.  Close your eyes and be grateful for this breath.  Take a moment to appreciate that you have another opportunity to live your life with purpose and compassion, for yourself — and others.

I am Andrea Cashman, teacher of Yoga, Meditation, Let Your Yoga Dance; spiritual seeker, mother, wife….

Human being seeking purpose and opportunity to serve. Movement and breath bring me into my body, stillness brings be to my soul.  It is my privilege to offer these gifts through group and individual classes on Zoom and in-person.

Please join me on this healing journey, here is the schedule for current classes or contact me to book a private or small group session at your convenience.

May You Know Peace and Healing,
~ Andrea

May You Know Peace and Healing

Andrea Cashman —
teacher of Yoga, Meditation, Let Your Yoga Dance; spiritual seeker, mother, wife.

Yoga and Meditation


Here is a short “Slow Flow” Yoga Practice that you could do daily. Chair Yoga and dance videos are also available – Let Your Yoga Dance!

Fall 2024

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The 7 Chakras

Sahasrāra — To know
Ājñā — To See
Viśuddha  — To speak
Anāhata  — To love
Maṇipūra — To act
Svādhiṣṭhāna — To feel
Mūlādhāra  — To Have